Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sugar's Effect on the Body and Brain

Sweetness is an important part of life, in our diets, our personal endeavors,  and in our relationships. The sweetness in life is an important counterpart to the sour and bitterness of life. According to Macrobiotic Philosophy, sugar has "yin" or contractive qualities, which balances our "yang" or expansive qualities.
We have all heard that too much sugar is "bad for us" and that as a society we are consuming "too much sugar." A nasty combination. Yes, sugar has “empty calories” and can contribute to weight gain, but I'd like to shed some light on some of the less talked about reasons we might want to reduce the amount of sugar we eat. 

·      Sugar can suppress the immune system and feed bacteria and fungi (such as candida or yeast) in the body. (4)
·      Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium, which can contribute to osteoporosis
·      Sugar can promote insulin resistance which can lead to Type 2 Diabetes (1)
·      Sugar contributes to obesity, because it has a high caloric content with no nutritional value leaving your body 'hungry' (1)
·      Sugar can raise blood levels of triglycerides which increases cholesterol and heart disease risk (3)
·      Sugar can impact ability to concentrate, especially in children
·      Chronic high blood sugar can contribute to Alzheimer's Disease (2)
·      Sugar has addictive qualities, similar to cocaine!
·      And many many more….

Consider how much refined sugar and added sugar you are putting in your body each day or week. What would your health be like if you reduced your sugar intake?

1.  USDA document suggesting the initiation of taxes on Sweetened Beverages
2. Alzheimers and High Blood Sugar
3. Is Sugar Toxic? NYTimes April 2010  

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