Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eating Seasonal Foods

Our grocery stores never fail. We can have strawberries in the dead of winter, apples all year long, and tropical fruits even if we live in gray New England. It's all because of the miracles of modern agriculture and technology. So what's the fuss? Why should we eat seasonal foods?
My attempt at growing some very local veggies. I will keep you posted on the results!
1. Foods that have traveled less have more nutritional value because they are picked at the height of ripeness.
2. Foods that have traveled less, and are picked at peak ripeness also taste better.
3. Many ancient traditions such as Ayurveda teach us that our body needs foods with different properties in different times of the year. Eating seasonal foods helps our bodies align with the seasons.
4. Buying seasonal foods can also mean buying local foods, which supports your local economy.

Spring is a great time to start because many more produce options are in season in the next few months.

Check out this interactive map on Epicurious' Website that shows what foods are in season in your state during a month of your choice. Click Here

The Ripple Effect

Ever heard of "The Ripple Effect" as it relates to our health and happiness? High school physics taught us how a point of physical disruption creates concentric circles of an associated effect. We have all probably seen it happen in our physical world. Imagine it: a drop of water landing in a still pool then ripples expand outward affecting everything in their path. Maybe a blade of underwater grass is swayed or a little creature's path is diverted. In this way, a relatively small thing (the droplet) can have a far reaching affect (the whole pond community around it).
By the same principle you can have a very grand effect on the people and world around you. We each touch so many other lives every day, members of our immediate families, our friends, our coworkers, neighbors, even the people we happen to cross paths with in the grocery store or on the bus. As we make positive changes in our lives and embody health and holistic happiness, others will certainly notice. A friend of mine recently send me a message: "If I eat quinoa at work, I can guarantee a coworker will ask 'What are you eating?!" I'm sure this usually opens the door for a lively discussion of whole grains, the available varieties that many don't know about, and maybe even the health benefits of eating whole grains. I know it has for me!
The ripple effect is usually passive, all you have to do is be yourself! But it works best when you give ourselves permission to live out loud, to do you best every day, and to be brave and honest when others ask questions to try to understand.
Who in your life has made ripples that have changed the way you live? What ways have you seen your positive influence on the lives of others?
If you feel like you are needing some healthy ripples coming your way in life, consider booking a health history with me to learn more about how I can support you.